About me

My name is Ho Young, Jeong. Currently, Ph.D. Candidate in Industrial Engineering, Purdue.
I'm a research assistance in DC-LAB.


1. Hybrid delivery
- Tuck-drone delivery.
- Airship-based drone delivery.
- Movable station based drone delivery.


Journal Papers

  1. Jeong, H. , Song, BD., & Lee, S. (2019). Truck-drone hybrid delivery routing: Payload-energy dependency and No-Fly zones. International Journal of Production Economics, 214 220-233.
  2. Jeong, H. , David, JY., Min, BC., & Lee, S. (2019). The humanitarian flying warehouse. Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review, 136, 101901.

Conference Proceeding
  1. Jeong, H. , & Lee, S. (2019). Optimization of Vehicle-Carrier Routing Mathematical Model and Comparison with Related Routing Models. International Conference on Production Research 25th.
  2. Song, BD., Jeong, H. , & Lee, S. (2019). Movable Unmanned Aerial System Optimization of System Resource Design and Drone Routing. International Conference on Production Research 25th.

  1. Jeong, H. , & Lee, S. (2018). Scheduling Hybrid Delivery System of Truck and Drone: Energy-Payload dependency and No-Fly Zone. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), Annual meeting, Orando, US.
  2. Jeong, H. , & Lee, S. (2018). Vehicle-Carrier Routing Problem. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), Annual meeting, Peonix, US.
  3. Song, BD., Jeong, H. , Jun, S., & Lee, S. (2019). Movable Unmanned Aerial System Optimization of System Resource Design and Drone Routing. International Conference on Production Research 25th, Chicago, US,
  4. Jeong, H. , & Lee, S. (2019). Optimization of Vehicle-Carrier Routing Mathematical Model and Comparison with Related Routing Models. International Conference on Production Research 25th, Chicago, US,
  5. Jeong, H. , & Lee, S. (2019). Optimization of Vehicle-Carrier Routing Mathematical Model and Comparison with Related Routing Models. International Conference on Production Research 25th, Annual meeting, Seattle, US.


Research Experience

May 2019 - Current
Visualization of Repair Operations Management for Networked Systems Resilience
Funded by Navy Crane Center, IN, United States
Developed a simulation tool and optimization tools for military network resilience.

Jan 2018 – May 2019
Resilience in Networked Systems using collaboration (RNSC) Project
Funded by Navy Crane Center, IN, United States
Developed a user interface and optimization tools for military facility network.